Reading, Writing, and Dyslexia Resources
International Dyslexia Association Fact Sheets:
Hard Words: Why Aren’t Kids Being Taught to Read? -- Report on the controversial issues surrounding the science of reading and why many schools fail to use research-backed methods. Great information for parents and professionals in text and podcast form.
At a Loss for Words: How a Flawed Idea is Teaching Millions of Kids to be Poor Readers -- Another great report on inadequate reading instruction in the schools. Text and podcast.
Center for Effective Reading Instruction -- An organization affiliated with the International Dyslexia Foundation.
Essentials of Understanding and Assessing Reading Difficulties, a book by David A. Kilpatrick -- An in-depth resource for professionals.
Learning Ally -- Audiobook solutions for dyslexic readers.
National Reading Panel -- A report on the research surrounding best reading instruction methods.
Overcoming Dyslexia, a book by Sally Shaywitz -- A great overview for anyone interested in dyslexia and the science behind structured literacy approaches.
Reading Rockets-- Articles, coursework, and videos on structured literacy instruction for parents and educators.
The Science of Reading: The Podcast -- Discussions by researchers and practitioners in early reading.
Starfall -- Apps and activities to support early reading, many of which are free.
University of Michigan Dyslexia Help -- Information for parents, dyslexics, and professionals.
Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity -- Information for dyslexic children and adults as well as professionals.