Executive Functioning and Attention Strategies
Even the brightest students can struggle with executive functioning and attention skills, leaving them feeling overwhelmed.
Children and teens in speech, language, and reading therapy can improve their chances of success if attention and executive functions challenges are addressed simultaneously.
How I assess executive functioning skills:
I evaluate these areas informally during assessments and therapy since so many students with speech, language, and reading struggles are also struggling with these skills.
Learning disabilities or weaknesses may be causing or contributing to some executive functioning or attention challenges. When I evaluate speech, language, or reading skills, I can pinpoint those areas which are likely to be problematic during everyday activities.
Based on your concerns and my clinical observations, I may recommend that you seek a formal evaluation with a psychologist who specializes in these areas.
Many of my students don’t qualify for an official diagnosis or have symptoms significant enough to require a formal evaluation, but still benefit greatly from being taught executive functioning strategies.
How I address struggles with attention and executive functioning:
I provide support to all students whenever an attention or executive functioning difficulty comes up during therapy. For example, some students are able to focus more easily and stay motivated if I provide a visual schedule.
My goal is to empower my clients and their families. I will provide education for you and your child on strategies I use during our speech, language, reading, and writing therapy. I will also help you problem solve about home and school challenges.
If you’re working with a psychologist or other provider in these areas, I will collaborate with them to develop strategies to support your family.
If your student has a diagnosis of ADHD, you may wish to talk to your doctor about whether medication, diet, or exercise would be helpful.
Students really want to succeed, but may look lazy when they avoid tasks they find overwhelming. Sometimes they know what they are supposed to do but have trouble actually doing it.
Some students just need a lot more practice, patience, and personalized strategies than their peers in order to become successful and independent.
My goal is to support the entire family by reducing stress, frustration, and overwhelm.